Like to have the best chance of not losing your teeth?  Quit smoking.  If you like your smile and want to keep it that way, quit smoking now.  Elizabeth Krall, Ph.D., an assistant research professor at Tufts University's School fo Dental Medicine worked with statistics from the Boston VA Dental Longitudinal Study which tracked the oral health of over 1,000 men since 1968.  She found that a person's risk of losing teeth doubles if he smokes.  She accounted for other variables such as alcohol and coffee consumption and found that women who smoked cigarettes lost significantly more teeth than non-smoking women.  Another Tufts researcher specializing in nutrition in studying osteoporosis, collected similar data on tooth loss from over 500 Boston area women.  If you are looking for another reason to quit smoking, add tooth loss and its affect on health and appearance to your list.  If you are thinking about quitting smoking, hypnotherapy can be a great tool to help you make a change that could keep you from losing your teeth.